More from INDOT

Other things actually led to the Traffic Cam Selfie project. Namely, wanting to pull up traffic cameras (dammit) to peek in on my daily commute before leaving the house. This was born of the knowledge that all of this data was floating around out there, and then wishing there was some way to benefit from it. (again, big thanks to INDOT for making this all open)

First was a simple page that shows traffic cameras between home and work:

Not too bad. Only downside is how quickly the images get stale (>60 seconds). At least I'm living closer to how TV detectives do.

More recently I stumbled across a nice json page that aggregates what's on those big highway message boards for INDOT's web site. That was a pretty cool find, so I fed it to a little LCD display:

My very own DOT message board!

I was deep into scripting an ESP8266 module to fetch/parse the json directly without me having to do anything when it dawned on me: This is the most useless thing I've ever done. Seriously.

Still fun, though.

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